The Ankara Agreement and Its Impact on NHS Staffing
The Ankara Agreement is a treaty that was signed in 1963 between Turkey and the European Economic Community (EEC). The agreement was designed to promote trade between the two entities and allowed for the free movement of Turkish workers and their families within the EEC. This treaty has had a significant impact on the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.
Since the agreement was signed, many Turkish people have worked in the NHS and contributed to its growth and success. The majority of these individuals were recruited for their skills and expertise in healthcare, particularly in nursing and midwifery. In return, these workers have been able to benefit from the NHS`s high standards of healthcare and the opportunity to work in a foreign country.
However, the Ankara Agreement has not been without its challenges. One issue that has arisen is the language barrier. Many Turkish workers do not speak English as their first language, which can make communication with patients and colleagues difficult. To overcome this challenge, the NHS has implemented language and cultural training programs to ensure that Turkish workers can communicate effectively with their patients and colleagues.
Another issue that has arisen is the perception that Turkish workers are taking away jobs from British citizens. This perception is not entirely accurate, as Turkish workers are recruited based on their skills and expertise in healthcare, not as cheap labor. The NHS has made significant efforts to ensure that British citizens have access to job opportunities within the healthcare industry.
Despite these challenges, the Ankara Agreement has had a positive impact on the NHS. Turkish workers have made significant contributions to the NHS, and their expertise and skills have been invaluable. The agreement has also helped to promote cultural diversity within the NHS and has provided Turkish workers with valuable work experience and opportunities.
In conclusion, the Ankara Agreement has had a significant impact on staffing in the NHS. The agreement has allowed for the free movement of Turkish workers, who have made valuable contributions to the NHS. While there have been challenges, the agreement has helped to promote cultural diversity within the NHS and has provided Turkish workers with valuable work experience. The NHS will undoubtedly continue to benefit from the Ankara Agreement for many years to come.