A ratified agreement between states – crossword clue
Are you stuck on a crossword puzzle clue that reads “a ratified agreement between states”? If so, you`re not alone. This clue can be quite tricky, especially if you`re not well-versed in legal terms. However, with a little bit of knowledge about state-to-state agreements, you`ll be able to solve this clue in no time.
In the United States, a ratified agreement between states is called an interstate compact. An interstate compact is a legally binding agreement between two or more states that addresses issues of common concern. These issues can include anything from transportation and education to environmental protection and public safety.
Interstate compacts must be approved by Congress before they can go into effect. This is because the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate commerce between states. Once Congress approves an interstate compact, it becomes federal law and is binding on all parties involved.
Interstate compacts have a long history in the United States. The first interstate compact was signed in 1785 between Maryland and Virginia to address navigation on the Potomac River. Since then, hundreds of interstate compacts have been created to address a wide range of issues.
So, back to the crossword clue. The answer is interstate compact. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently fill in the blanks and move on to the next clue. And who knows, maybe your newfound knowledge of interstate compacts will come in handy the next time you`re playing Trivial Pursuit.
In conclusion, solving a crossword puzzle clue like “a ratified agreement between states” may seem daunting at first, but with a little bit of research and knowledge of legal terms, you can crack the code. Remember, an interstate compact is a legally binding agreement between two or more states that addresses issues of common concern and must be approved by Congress before it can go into effect. Happy puzzling!